“PERMACOLOR” – Fur Process





GENERAL INFORMATIONS: Temperature setting is important since, too low temperatures will not fix the chemicals and separate the hair. Too high temperatures may damage the hair, curbing, singing or splitting the hair tips. In the presence of some dye processes some colour tones might also turn; but in other cases the ironing process helps to fix and fasten the colour on fur providing a better finishing. Please

check detailed information for each dyeing process.


-Indicated temperatures are in C°-centigrade degrees.

-To get a stable temperature setting start-on the rotating cylinder 3-5 minutes before starting the

 actual ironing operation.

-Lightly cloud-spray the chosen ironing chemical on the fur, using a low pressure spray-gun

 (0.5 Atmosphere) from a distance of about 40 cm. Do not insist on spraying too much of the product

 on the same place so as to avoid excessive wetting.

-Hang the fur garment for 3-5 minutes, to allow chemicals to work on the fur. Then verify

 by touching the fur that should still be lightly wet or humid.

-Higher temperatures for new garments. Lower temperatures for old & weak ones.

Fur dictionary          Suggested temperature settings    Way  of  hair    F i n i s h i n g 

                                          (100-120)      (120-140)      (160-180)       same - opposite    steam -compressed air

BADGER                                                       Y                                                     Y             Y    -or-     Y

BASSARISK                           Y                                                                           Y              Y

BEAR                                                                                  Y                                Y                               Y

BEAVER,long hair                                       Y                                                     Y             Y               Y

BEAVER,shorn                                                                  Y                                Y                               Y

BROADTAIL                   (NO ironing. Glaze with Permacolor “2-A”)

BURUNDUKI                         Y                                                                            Y             Y

CANGAROO                                                Y                                                      Y             Y               Y

CAT (all kinds)                       Y                                                                                            Y

CHINCHILLA                       Y                                                                            Y                               Y

COYOTE                                                       Y                                                     Y             Y               Y

DOG                                                               Y                                                     Y             Y

ERMINE                                 Y                                                                            Y             Y

FERRET                                 Y                                                                            Y             Y

FINNRACCOON                                          Y                                                     Y                               Y

FISHER                                                          Y                                                     Y             Y               Y

FITCH                                                            Y                                                     Y             Y

FOX,(all kinds)                                              Y                                                     Y             Y               Y

FOX,shorn                                                                          Y                                Y                               Y

FOX,gray                                                       Y                                     Y                              Y

FOX,polar                              Y                                                                             Y                               Y

GOAT                                                             Y                                                     Y             Y               Y

GUANACO                            Y                                                                             Y                               Y

HAMSTER                            Y                                                                             Y              Y

HARE                                     Y                                                                             Y                               Y

KARAKUL                   (NO ironing.Glaze with Permacolor “2-A”)

KIDSKIN                                                       Y                                                      Y             Y              Y

KOLINSKI                            Y                                                                              Y             Y

LAMB,long hair                                                               Y                                   Y                              Y



Fur   dictionary             Suggested temperature settings            Way     of     hair      F  i  n  i  s  h  i  n  g

                                             (100-120)   (120-140)    (160-180)      same  -  opposite         steam – compressed air


LYNX                                       Y                                                                         Y                    Y   -or-   Y

LYNX CAT                              Y                                                                         Y                                   Y

MANUL CAT                          Y                                                                         Y                                   Y

MARMOT                                                     Y                                   Y                                    Y

MARTEN                                                       Y                                                   Y                    Y

MINK,farmed                          Y                                                                         Y                    Y

MINK,wild                                                     Y                                                   Y                    Y

MINK,shorn                                          (140-160)                                              Y                     Y             Y

MOLE                                      Y                                                                         Y                     Y

MONKEY                                                      Y                                                   Y                     Y             Y

MUFFLON-Goat                                           Y                                                  Y                                     Y

MURMANSKI                                               Y                                                  Y                     Y

MUSKRAT,long hair                                    Y                                                  Y                     Y

MUSKRAT,shorn                                  (140-160)                                             Y                                     Y

MUTTON,shorn                                                       (180-200)                           Y                                     Y

NUTRIA,long hair                                         Y                                 Y                                     Y

NUTRIA,shorn                                                                 Y                                Y                                     Y

OPOSSUM                                                     Y                                                   Y                                     Y

OTTER,long hair                                           Y                                                  Y                    Y

OTTER, shorn                                                                  Y                                Y                                     Y

PHAMI                                                           Y                                                   Y                    Y

PERSIAN LAMB                   (NO ironing.Glaze with Permacolor “2-A “)

RABBIT, long hair                 Y                                                                          Y                                     Y

RABBIT, shorn                                              Y                                                   Y                                     Y

RACCOON,long hair                                    Y                                                   Y                    Y              Y

RINGTAIL                              Y                                                                          Y                    Y

SABLE                                                            Y                                                   Y                    Y              Y

SEAL,fur,long hair                                        Y                                                   Y                    Y

SEAL,fur,shorn                                                                Y                                 Y                                     Y

SKINK                                                            Y                                                    Y                   Y               Y

SQUIRREL,backs                                         Y                                                    Y                   Y               Y

SQUIRREL bellies                 Y                                                                           Y                                     Y

STONEMARTEN                                         Y                                                    Y                   Y                Y

TANUKI                                                         Y                                                    Y                   Y

VIKING LAMB                      (NO ironing. If small curl glaze with Permacolor « 2-A »)

VISCACHA                                                    Y                                  Y                                    Y

WALLABY                                                     Y                                                 Y                     Y               Y

WEASEL,long hair                Y                                                                         Y                     Y

WEASEL, shorn                                        (140-160)                                         Y                                       Y

WHITECOAT                                                                  Y                               Y                     Y                Y

WOLF                                                              Y                                                Y                     Y                Y

WOLVERINE                                                 Y                                                Y                     Y

ZORRINO                                                       Y                                                Y                     Y                 Y

                        NOTE : If a « flat-down » effect is required, do a first ironing « opposite way of hair »,then

                                       A second quick ironing following the “way of the hair”.

FINISHING: After steaming or air-cooling, hang the garments to rest for 2 hours at least, then press the

                       lining with high pressure dry steam and hang them to rest for 3-4 more hours. Check

                       the fur and quickly wire-brush rubbed parts, collar and edges. Do not heap garments

                       during transportation.